2025 Alabama Grand Assembly

Greetings to All!

     It is that time of year again and we are starting to make plans for our 2025 “Dreaming Through Wonderland with Alabama Rainbow” Grand Session to be held at the Masonic Center in Huntsville, Alabama from May 29-June 1, 2025. The following will provide you with information you need to register for the session and to reserve your hotel rooms for your stay in Huntsville. We are also offering the ordering of a session t-shirt again this year. I hope you all have a wonderful time at this year’s Grand Assembly!

     The Grand Assembly of Alabama abides by the Universal Dress Code of the Supreme Assembly. The attire for all sessions is formal (Grand Officers will wear the official Grand Officer Dress and all others are asked to wear a formal, white for the Grand Cross of Color Investiture), except for practices and Saturday Night.. For Thursday practices and Ritual Competition you may wear Rainbow appropriate pants (no jeans) and a Rainbow shirt. We also ask that all of the Grand Officers be installed wearing a white formal.

     All luncheons and banquets, except for the Grand Cross of Color, are open to everyone. Recipients of the Grand Cross of Color will be required to show their Grand Cross of Color Card and Medallion. All Rainbow Girls and Adults need to provide a copy of their current year’s dues card and Medical Release Forms, with any medication and/or any medical issues clearly noted.

     This year, the host hotel will be the Hilton Garden Inn Space Center. There will be a $100 attrition fee for those choosing not to stay at the host hotel payable to Alabama Grand Assembly as the hotel charges for the rooms blocked not being used. The address of the Grand hotel is:

        4801 Governors House Dr.

        Huntsville, AL. 36117-1942


     All registrations must be paid in full by April 1, 2025. A $5.00 late fee per person will be added for all late registrants and will not be eligible to receive a session t-shirt. All attendees are required to pay the registration fee. Checks for registration, meals, and t-shirts should be payable to Alabama Grand Assembly. If you have any questions regarding registration you may contact:

         Mrs. Reneé Burfitt

        144 Dexter Circle

        Madison, AL 35757

     If you have questions regarding registration, you may contact Mrs. Reneé Burfitt at (256) 509-6132 or iorgalabama@gmail.com

In Rainbow Love and Sunshine,
Jennifer S. Mulkey
Supreme Deputy of Alabama
International Order of the Rainbow for Girls